
Ebony is a lighter shade of black; it has some tinge of brown into it. The name of the color was derived from a type of wood originating in India and other surrounding countries. Its high density is so durable that it is an excellent choice in crafting arts and furniture. It is the most […]

Art Therapy Benefits from Anxiety & Stress at Work [2020]

In 2020, the recognition of art therapy benefits for anxiety and stress in the workplace gained traction. Art therapy provides a creative outlet for emotional expression, offering a non-verbal way for individuals to cope with stressors. The meditative nature of artistic activities promotes mindfulness and relaxation, contributing to anxiety relief. Engaging in art enhances problem-solving […]

Flag Color Meaning & Hidden Symbolism

Flags are generally the most prominent symbol of an organization or a country. However, we will not usually put importance on the flag color meaning and hidden symbolism. Before a flag was developed, the designer will put a lot of consideration into the images that they will introduce and the complementary colors that they will 

Child Behavior And Learning Through Colors

We all know that colors have a direct influence on our ty and mood. Incidentally, we can also use encourage learning and enhance the mood educational facility such as a classroom. the right color can positively impact child and learning through colors can be exciting t improves

Feng Shui Color for Office – How do I feng shui my office

Feng shui is a practice of decorating your space to draw in the good chi (energy). It encourages that energy to flow smoothly into the area; thus, preventing the manifestation of any issues. The positive chi allegedly provides significant benefits to the owners, such as improving health conditions, wealth, status, personal relationships, careers, etc. With […]