Indigo Color Meaning, Personality & Psychology – The Color Indigo

Indigo is a combination of violet and blue. It has been associated with magic rituals and New Age. Therefore, this color can indicate meanings related with spirituality. Indigo may indicate perception and intuition. It is also necessary to achieve a higher spiritual awakening. It awakens the most profound level of your consciousness. Since indigo color […]
Brown Color Meaning, Personality & Psychology – The Color Brown

Brown can amaze you with the richness of its color. Fawn, mahogany, auburn, and coffee, brown is a color that catches your eye and gets your attention. It is the color of the earth, of rain soaked rain forests, of a rural landscape and the cyclic rhythms of the year. It describes fruitfulness, courage and […]
What Does the Color Red Mean Spiritually ?

Red has long been associated with passion. This is a form of symbolic association that is universally accepted. However, you are probably asking what does the color red mean spiritually. The spiritual association of red can be vast and may vary. Red represents the base or the root of our chakra. It is found below […]
Lavender Color Meaning, Personality & Psychology – The Color Lavender

It will not be uncommon to confuse lavender for other shades of purple such as lilac. However, lavender is a light or pale shade of purple that comes with a blue tint. Lilac on the other hand is also light purple but with pink tint. Nonetheless the lilac and the lavender color meaning in terms […]
Worst Colors to Paint Your House With

Painting is perhaps the easiest and the least expensive way to give your house a fresh new look. Whether you want to add some hint of grey on your living room or coat your bedroom walls with ecru, a paint can change the feeling that the space is trying to evoke. When you are choosing […]
What Your Nail Color Says About You?

Most people will initially think that the color of their nails is just for aesthetics. However, according to color psychology, the shade that you choose can reflect your emotion, personality, and mood during the time that you are wearing the color. There are colors that will make you feel sexier and confident and colors that […]
What Does Your Lipstick Color Say About You?

Lipsticks are the most simple and captivating part of a woman’s beauty product. The type of lipstick you use speaks more about your personality and when you use lipsticks, it attracts more attention to you depending on the color used. When you want to choose the type of lipstick that is best for you, whether […]
What Does Your Hair Color Say About You?

Our hair color has been associated to a lot of stereotypes. Sexy brunettes, dumb blondes, and hot-headed red heads. While most of these are simply assumptions, some people will still base their first impression on the hair color of the person. To guarantee that people will view you the way you want them to, it […]
What Does Your Favorite Color Say About You Sexually?

We know that color reflects a person’s personality, nature, and some of their likes and their dislikes. If you check your wardrobe, you will notice how a specific color will dominate it. You will also realize how you will be attracted to certain textures and patterns. All of these are indication of your preferred shade. […]
What Does Your Car Color Say About You?

For those who are in the process of purchasing a new car, you might want to carefully think about the color of the vehicle that you plan to buy. According to the experts, the color of your auto speaks volume about your personality. Based on the survey conducted by JCT600, the car driver will develop […]